Who Are We

Who Are We

Waterkon Installations (Pty) Ltd was established in 2008 with the view to enter a specialised market of installing Hydro Mechanical Equipment on large dams. The business has slowly developed into not only installing the aforesaid but also specialising in pipelines, bore hole installations and corrosion protection to name but a few.

The installation of the hydro mechanicals entail mostly the installation and welding of large diameter steel and stainless-steel pipes. These range from 150NB to 3000NB. The installation also requires the corrosion repairs after welding and X- rays.

We have coded welders and welding procedures for all our operations. We also have equipment that conform to a high standard for the execution of the projects.

Furthermore, we install the guides for gates and screens, sealing faces for the gates around bell mouths, overhead cranes and rails, valves, pumps, radial gates and other related equipment such as steel bridges, walkways, hand railings, steel structures etc.

Steel pipelines up to 1000 mm diameter and many kilometers of numerous sizes HDPE pipelines have successfully been installed.

We pride ourselves in our excellent track record with a number of Consulting Engineering Firms and in the industry as a whole.

We also specialise in the installation
of municipal water infrastructure